Sustainability was an important part of the development of Working Spaces. From the initial conceptual designs and sketches we sought to maximise sustainability with the natural light and thermal efficiency brought about through the use of passive solar design techniques. Central to the development was the use of locally produced 10.38mm thick ‘Hush Glass.’ Using this laminated product from floor to ceiling in doors and walls allowed maximum thermal and lighting effect throughout the entire office complex of some 18 desks, offices and meeting rooms.
Energy and water efficiency was found not only in the natural light penetration to all areas but also in the use of LED ceiling lights on dimmers producing ideal office working conditions and also reducing our consumption by some 80 percent. Water efficiencies were found in the the Cafe style kitchen by using timed instantaneous hot water for beverages eliminating the need for boiling a kettle continuously as well as carefully selected energy efficient white goods. The carefully timed use of the two air-conditioning units in conjunction with dampers and a multi winged blind allows for year long passive solar heating and cooling. Sustainability is imperative to any good design.
Repurposing and waste reduction actions were achieved by the use of specially designed waste and recycled bins for paper and kitchen specially marked containers.
Environmentally friendly materials, supplier products and services aid sustainability. Opting to select local suppliers as a first step in the creative design process made sense as each suppler was given ownership and allowed collaboration of ideas between the parties. This in turn has brought the project to the point of excellence in design ambience and sustainability. By using a local colourist and electrician from Moss Vale through to the Robertson based furniture supplier, IT, air-conditioner and specialist lighting technician, we allows a home grown work force to work on every facet, bringing the best of our local abilities to the fore. We also included the use of environmentally friendly larger vertical acoustic panels made from recyclable sound absorbing materials.
Environmentally Sensitive Building Systems that support sustainability were utilised throughout the construction of Working Spaces. The use of passive solar combined with a variable pitch multi winged blind allows us to keep the heat out and the gentle warming rays to penetrate during winter. The use of light weight concrete panels in the building construction phase prevented a large amount of heat soak away from the building during the cold winter months thus maintaining a stable building temperature throughout the year.
Sustainable Transport. Opting to source local material over 90 percent of which was glass and the major material used in construction, local supplies trades and services reduced the Transport Road Miles thereby reducing our Co2 emissions substantially and “maintaining our children future” (UN charter of sustainability. agenda 21).
There are so many wonderful features to Working Spaces that it deserves your time to come and visit. Contact our office today 1300 242 908 or richard@wsmossvale.com.au and we would be happy to show you what we are very proud of.